Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Final Four

Team Venus met for the last four times, and it was a sad day. After months of grueling work, we finally finished our design, PowerPoint, and outline. The design did change one last time, but I will not bother describing it, since many of the people reading this will just hear about it tomorrow when we present. We divided up the presentation so we each get a chance to speak, and hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) our presentation will go well tomorrow. We have a surprise intro and a fun skit that will hopefully make people laugh. Well, there’s not much else to say except good luck to all the teams and may the best team win! Team Venus—it’s been fun…I will definitely miss the cracker-eating contest and the ping-pong baseball, but hopefully I will see you all next semester.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Mercury 502

As mentioned before in previous posts, our team is trying to fix a problem with the membrane potential of a pancreatic beta cell. We are doing this by inserting nanodevices that will replace the function of K-ATP channels. The complexity of the mechanisms that cause the cell to release insulin is staggering. After the initial depolarization of the cell initiated by the influx of glucose after a meal, the K-ATP channels and Ca+2 channels 'turn' on and off dozens of times in a matter of seconds, causing rhythmic oscillations of cell potential. We couldn't devise a practical means for our nanodevice to replicate this biological phenomena, so we have decided to limit our device for implantation only into people with NIDDM (type 2 diabetes). This limits us to only around 16 million people in the US, which is not much of a limitation. If treated early enough, people with type 2 diabetes still have enough K-ATP channels to secrete insulin, but not enough channels to maintain the resting cell potential. If the cell can't get to the resting potential, the cell ulimately wears out, and then the body can't produce insulin (uh-oh). This device won't be a magic cure for diabetes sufferers. These nanomachines will however, buy the patient more time to get sugar intake under control by allowing for more normal pancreatic function. Ideally, these devices would be a one-time treatment that facillitate a patients' recovery from diabetes. NIDDM is a treatable and avoidable disease. We think our our device has huge potential to help the US as a whole. Diabetes cost the US $132 billion dollars in 2002. $92 billion of this was direct medical costs, and the other $40 billion was from disability payments and lost job time. These costs are projected to grow in the next few years and will be a major drain on our medical system.

Team Venus-502

It's been a productive time for Team Venus-502. Our design is complete, our presentation is put together, and the presentation assignments have been divied up among the 6 of us. Daniel should be finished with the solid model assembly of our device, and the powerpoint presentation needs to have the finishing touches put on it. We met on Saturday to do all of the major work, and everything got done in an efficient manner. The team has worked well together and everyone has been putting in their fair share of work. The team will meet again on Monday to go over our presentation and to work out the fine details. There has been some concern as to the 3rd electrode on our device, but I won't go into details due to the confidential nature of our work.
So, for all intents and purposes, things are wrapping up nicely for Team Venus, and we even have a cute little name for our device.
Stay tuned for more breaking developments.

Sean and the Team Venus-ers

Putting it all together

Over the past few weeks, we have begun to put our project together into our final powerpoint presentation. After we split up the topics of the presentation at our last meeting, we each posted an outline of our slide either on WebCT or through email. Courtney compiled the outlines and began setting up our slide show over the Thanksgiving Break. On Saturday, Lauren and Courtney met to add graphics, correct grammatical and spelling errors, organize the slides, and delete any information that was repeated.

Tomorrow, we are meeting as a group to time our slideshow, fix any errors, and make sure that each presenter is prepared for our presentation on Wednesday. Lauren is preparing our written outline, which will be composed from our slideshow and contain information as to who is presenting each topic. This outline will also be finalized at tomorrow's meeting. Our group also plans to meet on Wednesday before our presentation to review once more.

Our group has been moving along well with this project. Because the design of our device was decided early, we haven't had any "panic moments" so far. From this point, we just need to finish assembling and reviewing our powerpoint and outline, and prepare for Wednesday's presentation.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Team Venus: the past three meetings

This entry will encompass the past three team meetings and the important decisions made during each one. During the first meeting, we decided to toss out the idea of our sensor being close to an existing, working channel by using an acetylcholine molecule. It was just too complicated to work, and we thought it would be easier to simply let the sensor bind anywhere on the motor endplate. Several new problems arose from this, however. We were worried that since the tubes would not necessarily be next to a working channel, the voltage difference across the membrane would not be strong enough to make our tubes gate open. We were also worried that the voltage change caused by the existing channels closing would not outweigh the voltage created by our still open tubes, and thus our tubes would never close because the voltage change the electrodes would sense would not be enough. We solved both these problems by saying we would have sensitive electrodes and a loop system in our nanocomputer that would constantly take readings of the voltage difference and gate the tubes accordingly. Then we began to wonder if it was feasible to assume that future nanochips would be able to do a loop program and store data. Our worries were put to rest when Dr. Wasser told us that we can assume future nanochips will have those capabilities and that the strength of the membrane potential does not depend on the distance from a working channel.
Also in this meeting, we came up with an idea of how to penetrate the inner membrane wall. The mycelle would get our device most of the way in the membrane, and then two claw-like legs would open up and let out sailic acid and neuroamenities that would eat through the membrane, allowing our tube to span the membrane. The claw-like legs would also provide stability and keep the tube upright. Later on we discovered that the sailic acid and neuroamenities really don’t break through membranes like we thought they did.
In the next meeting, we decided to put a computer sensing station and electrodes on each tube to make our device simpler. We also decided our tubes would have a tubular body that would fan out into a funnel shape on the outside of the cell. “The Box” consisting of the nanochip, motor, gears, etc. would be located on the funnel part of the tube. One electrode would be on the tube inside the cell and the other electrode would be on the funnel part of the tube outside the cell. These will be connected to “The Box” by nanowires embedded in the tube. The gate for our tube would be a flat, circular lid connected to a cylinder on top of “The Box”, so gears inside the box can turn the cylinder and rotate the lid laterally.
In the last meeting, we found a very cool way to both gate our device and to make it penetrate the inner membrane wall. This process involves creating an electric current that opens up pores in a phospholipid layer to allow things like ions or DNA to pass through. Once the current is stopped, the pores reseal. We are really considering using this process for both gating and penetrating, but we were going to look into it further. Also, we made an outline of the outline for our presentation, and we assigned each person a topic to write notes about. Then one person can take everybody’s notes and write the outline so it won’t be in different writing styles.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

team jupiter is wrapping things up

Well, we started to work on our powerpoint slide yesterday (Saturday). We made a lot of progress. We have over 20 slides, and so far everything looks great. There is still a few minor details to work out, but we are going to meet again today and finish the whole thing. I think that our project is really good. We have designed a machine that uses hydrogels as the driving mechanism. It is actually pretty clever if you ask me, and I think that when we present it, you will all think so too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Moving On

Team Mars - 502 is coming to a close on our final ideas and we have started working on our presentation. The machine is somewhat submarine like, and the final product should be able to maneuver its way through any semi-aqueous solution. To fix the membrane potential we have decided that the best route would be to supply each nanomachine with a small amount of sodium / other charged ion. The machine will inject a nanoneedle into the cell and when the machine receives the proper stimulus it will dump the needle's contents into the cell, restoring membrane potential for a set period of time. Machines that have used up their reserves will remove themselves and be replaced by another machine. Expended machines will be dumped into the bloodstream and removed from the body. More info after our next meeting.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Mercury 501 - Putting it all together

This week we started finalizing everything and preparing our outline and presentation. We have pretty much made all final decisions on the design of our machine. We have met once already this week and will meet again Wednesday and Friday to try to wrap things up. With everyone working on their particular area of research for the outline, we will soon have a final copy ready to submit. Also sometime in the near future, we will meet with Dr. Wasser just to let him have a final once over on our design to try to catch any major mistakes that we neglected to notice. The remaining sections of the outline have been divided up and should be completed by the end of the week.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Team Venus: Meeting 8 - we're getting there

Team Venus met again at the same time and same place as our other Monday meetings. This time we discussed details of our design and how it will work. Using everyone’s information, we drew out what we assumed to be the final design of our device. But, you know what they say…you should never assume. Of course after we asked Dr. Wasser some questions on Wednesday, we changed our design again. This design change was good, however, because it made the computer sensing station be the same shape and implanted in the membrane the same way as the nanotubes. This made our device simpler and more economical because now it won’t be a different structure and it won’t be floating in the synaptic cleft where it could be in the way.
Basically, our device will consist of a computer sensing station, nanowires, and nanotubes. The computer sensing station will be released first from the mother ship. It will have an acetylcholine attached to it, and it will be attracted to a working channel. The ACh will attach to the receptor and will release from the device. The computer sensing station will implant itself there in the membrane with one electrode inside the cell and another outside the cell. Then, the nanotubes that are attached to the computer sensing station through nanowires will be released from the mother ship. They will also implant themselves in the membrane near the computer sensing station. When the electrodes sense a change in potential they will open the gates on the nanotubes and let sodium in. When the membrane is finished depolarizing the gates will close.
In order to put the tubes and the computer sensing station through the membrane, they will be put in larger tubes with a mycelle covering the bottom half. The mycelle will bind to the membrane, bringing the two tubes in, but not through. Then the inner nanotube will be pushed through the inner side of the membrane so it can span the membrane. In order to power the device we are going to use flagella motors and to process the potential changes we will use a nanochip. Also, to keep the immune system from attacking the tubes, we are going to coat the tubes with a special membrane. We have figured out some of the details, but there are still more intricacies to work out. For next week, a few of us are going to work on making some drawings of our device on Inventor.

team jupiter

Well, team Jupiter has been making some leaps and bounds. We have had Dr. Wasser look at our idea. He said it was good, but we needed to figure out what was going to our gate for our nanomachine. So far we have designed our nanomachine, researched many of the areas about our machine that need to covered. We have been meeting on Sundays. Today(Sunday 11-13) we are going to do more research and assign each member into pairs and then start making slides. We are going to shoot for three slides a pair.
We have been very busy in the last few weeks, and i should have probably posted more about how we are really only making small decisions about our project at the moment. We have begun making slides for the presentation, and we have set the unofficial due date for out groups slides to be this saturday.
The last and final bridge we need to cross is concerning how we are going to propel the machine out of the lysosome to get it into the intracellular environment. We have had several ideas each as general or difficult as the last. At the moment we are trying to think of a simple chemical reaction that can create a rocket propulsion of sorta that will provide thrust to puncture a lysosome, but little else. We think taking a page from elementary school, we may just use a vinegar/baking soda reaction that will hopefully not generate much heat or anything toxic to the cell. Another idea is using compressed CO2 for a quick thrust.

Friday, November 11, 2005

slowly but surely

There's not much to report, I think we've all been pretty busy for they last few weeks. The info for the powerpoints is getting put up on webCT slowly but surely and I think we are going to try to meet again soon. That's about all.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Team Venus (502) Getting It Done

It's been a productive week for Team Venus. Our design was stamped "approved" by Dr. Wasser in lab last Thursday, so all we've been doing is sorting out the details. Yiri de Dios researched cell membrane thickness, Shannon Eliasson looked into the material properties of silicon, and Margaret Flaugher and I have been researching bulk flow, paying particular attention to the conditions for laminar flow. Rebekah and Daniel have been assigned various logisitic problems, which we won't go into because our design remains confidential (soon enough, you'll know!). Things are looking bright for Team Venus, and we look forward to sharing our hard work with the rest of you!

Over and Out,

Team Venus-502 (Rebekah Collins, Yiri de Dios, Daniel Cisneros, Margaret Flaugher, Shannon Eliasson, and Sean Dupont).

Monday, November 07, 2005

Team Neptune (502) Completing Presentation

This week, we have finally assigned every group member a specific topic on which to present. Each group member is responsible for a certain grouping of PowerPoint slides and/or graphics. We did our best to compliment each topic or graphic with the specific group member who had the greatest understanding. We are right on schedule to finish the PowerPoint by the beginning of next week, and finalize presentation procedure before thanksgiving break.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mercury 502

Here is some more background on the Pancreatic Beta cell.

The resting potential of the cell is between negative 60-70 mV. This occurs when glucose levels are low and the K-ATP channels are working. Each beta cell has thousands of these channels. When glucose enters the cell from the bloodstream after a meal, ATP and ADP is made which cause the K-ATP channels to close quickly. More than 90% of the K-ATP channels become closed. The K-ATP channels that are still open cannot balance the depolarizing influences that are entering the cell. When glucose levels reach about 20mM the cell potential has changed to about negative 10 to 20 mV. When the cell potential becomes this low, it reaches threshold and a graded potential is generated. This causes a chain reaction of Voltage gated Ca +2 channels to activate. The opening of these Ca+2 channels causes Ca+2 to flood the cell opening even more of these channels. This initiates exocytosis of insulin into the bloodstream. The insulin causes glucose levels to go back down and thus the K-ATP channels reopen and get the membrane potential back to -70mV.

The life span of a pancreatic beta cell in a mouse is more than 3 months. We haven't found what it is in humans.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Team Jupiter 501

Our team has decided to fix the cell membrane by correcting the concentrations. Our nanomachine does not move ions across the membrane, but works entirely within the cell (with the voltmeter spanning the membrane, of course). We are also considering moving ions by internal charges. The method by determining the concentration has been discussed with Dr. Wasser. I believe now materials are being researched for the machine. Because our cells (GI epithelial) die quickly, we have the advantage of not worrying too much about internal power supplies, because the cells sluff off before the power would be drained.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Team Venus:Meeting 7 (more decisions)

Team Venus met this past Monday to discuss the findings from our research and to make more decisions regarding our device. The main piece of information that changed our design was that the acetylcholine receptors are on the sodium channel. This means that when the receptors are destroyed, the channels are no longer usable. So, we decided to go back to our original idea in which we insert tubes that will act like the sodium channels. We also decided to connect the tubes to the working channels instead of the motor neuron’s axon terminal. We did this because it would be easier for our tubes to know when to open and close if they could just copy a working channel instead of trying to calculate it through the action potential. Also, the tubes will be implanted at or close to the existing inactive channels so as to not mess with any other part of the membrane that may have other functions. In addition, we know the tubes should be .3 to .5nm in diameter and they will probably be made out of carbon, but we are still considering other options. Also, since our tubes need to attract sodium ions, we found the two regions on a sodium channel that make it selective only to sodium. We will incorporate these two components into our tube design so they will attract the sodium ions. I think we have finally decided on the overall design of our device, but there are still details to be sorted out. To sort out these details we assigned more research topics:
-How to locate the existing inactive sodium channels—Audra, Brian
-How to put the tubes through the membrane—Harry, Victor
-How to know when the working channels are open and how to power our device—Thomas
-How to keep the immune system from attacking the tubes—Kathy
-What materials to use—Alheli