Saturday, November 26, 2005

Putting it all together

Over the past few weeks, we have begun to put our project together into our final powerpoint presentation. After we split up the topics of the presentation at our last meeting, we each posted an outline of our slide either on WebCT or through email. Courtney compiled the outlines and began setting up our slide show over the Thanksgiving Break. On Saturday, Lauren and Courtney met to add graphics, correct grammatical and spelling errors, organize the slides, and delete any information that was repeated.

Tomorrow, we are meeting as a group to time our slideshow, fix any errors, and make sure that each presenter is prepared for our presentation on Wednesday. Lauren is preparing our written outline, which will be composed from our slideshow and contain information as to who is presenting each topic. This outline will also be finalized at tomorrow's meeting. Our group also plans to meet on Wednesday before our presentation to review once more.

Our group has been moving along well with this project. Because the design of our device was decided early, we haven't had any "panic moments" so far. From this point, we just need to finish assembling and reviewing our powerpoint and outline, and prepare for Wednesday's presentation.


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