Monday, October 29, 2012

Mechanism found for destruction of key allergy-inducing complexes

A large majority of us suffer from allergies, whether they be seasonal or life threatening acute allergies to foods or medicines. These autoimmune reactions are very complex and there are some medicines that can help lessen the effect of the allergens, but most of them only bind to the active sites so that the allergen does not. 

Recently, researchers have learned how a man made molecule can actually destroy the molecules that trigger the body's allergic response. This could lead to the production of faster acting and more potent medications that could treat acute allergic reactions that could save someone's life. What this molecule doe is actually disarm the lgE antibodies that are key in acute allergies. The molecule detaches the antibody from another molecule and rapidly disconnects these antibodies and severing the connection to the cells responsible for the reaction. 

The full article can be found here


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