Oscillating Gel Acts Like Artificial Skin, Giving Robots Potential Ability to Feel
In relation to the research, "nonoscillating gel can be resuscitated in a fashion similar to a medical cardiopulmonary resuscitation". The research that was found through the research could sense a new way to sense mechanical stimuli and respond in a chemical manner. Through many hours of arduous Belousov-Zhabotinsky gel (BZ gel)a material that was initially made in the late 20th century and shown to pulsate without the presence of any external enivornment.
"Think of it like human skin, which can provide signals to the brain that something on the body is deformed or hurt,...This gel has numerous far-reaching applications, such as artificial skin that could be sensory -- a holy grail in robotics.
Through Belasz's studies, he found that the gels that were studied could serve as a small-scale pressure sensor for different vehicles to show the diagnostics for the impact on surfaces. This development are things researchers had been intrigued throughout childhood.
The article continues to explain the gel and allows the research of the professors to see the future of chemical engineering so that others can see their andvances in future technology.