Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feeling Down? Eat some salt…

Research has shown that salt may be a natural antidepressant. A group of rats were deprived of sodium for a period of time. These rats showed a seemingly depressed mood. They were sluggish and wouldn’t move across their cage to reach sugar water. Once the salt was added back to the rats’ diets, they seemed to be much happier again. It is believed that this correlation may exist in humans and all land animals. In humans, it is seen that people that must cut salt from their diets are generally more depressed. One thought on the subject is that the link comes from our ancient origins in the sodium rich sea. Simply, the body wishes to be sodium rich as before. Physiologically, the levels of sodium in the blood and in the fluids surrounding the cells are closely regulated and the kidneys are designed especially for this purpose.
However, it is possible that the brain always reacts positively to sodium intake regardless of sodium levels present in the body as with other drugs. So it is important to note that even if the excess sodium intake is making the brain happen, there may actually be negative effects elsewhere in the body.
Overall, more research is needed concerning the connection to sodium intake and depression, but it is clear that for most of the developed world, sodium intake is much higher than needed by the body. So as there may be benefits in mood, it is not a good idea to eat a bunch of salt to be happier.



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