Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Male circumcision fends off the most common STDs

Scientists and researchers have found through study groups, male circumcision offers a slight protection against human papillomavirus infections, genital herpes and HIV. From a study of adult males and adolescent boys in Uganda, researchers have discovered that even though circumcision provides some protection, it does not protect fully, and they can still contract the disease. Scientists have related the HIV prevention to the prevention of genital herpes. A patient with ulcers in their genital area is more at a risk of contracting HIV than those with out. Researchers have also found that circumcision of males can also help females in protection against HPV. Results show that circumcised males are 60% less likely to contract HIV. Circumcision can lead to a surgical infection; however the positive odds largely out weigh the possible negative side effects.

Other benefits of circumcision are a reduction of urinary tract infections in men, and women whose partners are circumcised are less likely to have vaginal infections.

I found this article interesting and important because circumcision is so common in our western and European society that you do not think about the positive effects that it has caused. This also shows that there needs to be more educating information provided to the people of third world countries.



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