Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Electromedicine for Parkinson's disease: Deep brain stimulation works better than drugs

This article discuses the approach that was taken in Europe of a new surgery and that could possibly lead to many new and great things when it comes to Parkinson’s Disease, a disease that we do not have much of a way to treat. The surgical procedure is meant to cause deep brain stimulation which in turn will improve the over all quality of life according to Dr. Guenther Deuschl the Chairman of the department of neurology at Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany. They ran tests on 156 patients, all under the age of 25 who were all suffering from advanced Parkinsons disease. They chose at random which patients to treat with the surgery and which to treat with medication. The surgery is performed by placing a thin electrically conductive wire deep into the brain. This then helps temporarily block the abnormal brain signals that are sent and that cause some of the symptoms. The surgery is usually reserved for those who are very very sick. But the article is debating whether it should be considered in earlier stages in order to have a more positive effect on the patients that suffer. The study showed that the patients that underwent surgery had a few more adverse affects like severe brain damage, the overall outcome was better for these patients than those that just took straight medication. This could help us lead to a new discovery of something great to help us cure Parkinson’s Disease.



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