Saturday, September 28, 2013

Carbon Nanotubes Capture Electrical Signals Between Neurons

     First off I found this article particularly interesting and relevant because it covers the material we discussed in class and it focuses on brain signaling.  If scientists are able to figure out how the brain communicates via electrical signaling, they link signals to a computer and find patterns to develop algorithms that can effectively map the brain's function.  The European Human Brain Project has already mapped out a 3-D model of the brain, and adding an extra layer (communication)  to their model would not only allow us to understand how a human brain works, but it can allow researchers to use techniques to develop an understanding on how other animal's brains work.
    Researchers at Duke had to develop a new method of creating these nano tubes.  Choosing the material was the first step.  Previous efforts by other scientists utilized glass and metallic materials, but those did not work effectively.  The team at Duke had three requirements to meet when it came to choosing the proper material.  They had to make sure that the tube had compatible mechanical properties that would allow it to function in the brain, an incredibly sensitive electrical conductor, and a the carbon nano-tube (CNT) had to be electrochemically compatible in the brain.  In order to achieve an optimal shape for the CNT, the scientists had to utilize dielectrophoreisis (exposure to a non-uniform electrical field), annealing (heat treatment to increase ductility), and apply an insulation coating to make a fine needle shaped tip.
   The Duke team used a three electrode cell and an AgCl pellet as a reference electrode and a metal mesh as the counter electrode.  A 25 mMolar phosphate buffered saline solution was used to mimic the osmolarity of the brain.
    Once the CNT proved to be an accurate reader of the test solution, mice (which have a similar brain chemistry as humans) were used.  The mice were put down and their brains were sliced into pieces and put into holding chambers. The team electrically stimulated the brain samples by placing a concentric bipolar electrode which resembles a blunt needle next to the brain and introduced either a positive or negative step current (think of a dirac delta function that can go either positive or negative).  Optical stimulation was also practiced by pointing a blue laser above recording device.
    The Duke team were able to record single cell activity within the brain of the mouse.  The team was able to get solid data from their experiment but further development of the nano tube is essential to gather more decisive data.  If scientists are able to understand how the brain works along with an extremely accurate distribution of neurons within the brain, huge developments in solving neurological disorders can be made


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