Thursday, March 29, 2012

Type II Diabetes Surgery

It was found that performing stomach surgery on people with Type 2 diabetes was able to put the disease in full remission in up to 95% of cases depending on the surgery. Three different surgeries were tested and the most successful was a biliopancreatic diversion where doctors make the stomach smaller and bypass part of the smaller intestine. The 2nd most successful was a gastric bypass in which up to 75% of the people were reported to be in full remission.
Surgery to treat diabetes hasn't been totally accepted, but so far it's being recommended as the best method of treatment for obese patients who aren't doing so well on the medications. However, despite the reported success of the surgeries, there are complications and sometimes patients have to go back and undergo another surgery.
This sounded interesting to read about and it seemed to relate to what we were just learning in physiology. It's so neat to learn about the different methods of treatments for diseases, especially the methods that I never thought would be used.


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