Khoa Tran - A gold nanoparticle platform for the delivery of functional microRNAs into cancer cells
gold nanoparticle platform for the delivery of functional microRNAs into cancer
A research team of Department of
Biology & Biochemistry at University of Houston as developed a pathway to
deliver miRNAs into cancer cells by using gold nanoparticles. Using the biocompatible
properties of gold element, the team carried out the experiment of combining a gold
nanoparticle with miRNA and delivering them through the cell membrane by
endocytosis. Effectively applying gold’s unique physicochemical properties such
as shape, surface area, amphiphilicity, biocompatibility and safe carrier
capabilities into the miRNA delivering, the research team achieved a very high
percentage (98%) of living cells after the endocytosis. Adding to the success,
cells do not need to take time to recover which may delay and affect the
efficiency of this method. Next, there are two pathways in this experiment,
miR-stemloop pathway and miR-duplex pathway. In miR-stemloop pathway, the
combination includes one AuNP , which is make positive in order to bind with
other components, a few miR-stemloops and S-PEG strings. This combination goes
through the membrane by endocytosis, then miR-stemloops are released from the
endosome, binds to dicers, and be taken into the AGOs. These AGOs carry the new
RNA code from the miR-stemloop and synthesis lysosomes with shorter half-life.
As a result, lysosomes are self-broken down in a short period of time, release
strong digestive enzyme into the cytoplasm of cancer cells and destroy them. Finally,
the experiment came out successfully with a high but fair cost and thus added a
new subtle medical method to fight cancer using gold nanoparticles delivery and
synthesized miRNAs.
I got interested in this article
with a very non-professional and funny way. Back in my country—Vietnam, a developing
country—when I was little, I used to hear now and then people told each other
that if you drank fine crunched gold, it would cure asthma and cancer like a
magical medicine. Of course they believed in it superstitiously and without any
scientific proof. Therefore, it made a very odd and funny situation when I ran
into this article and found out that very smart scientists and doctors used the
same method—well, considering in some general “aspects”—and proved that this “magical
medicine” actually working.
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