Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Tooth Fairy for Adults

Researchers in the UK are combining tissue in the gums with mice cells, allowing lost teeth the completely re-grow. This is novel primarily because it allows the root and head of the tooth to be natural enamel and shaped just like the original tooth. These teeth will be grown in a lab to later be implanted into a mouth. This would replace the current dental implants that are typically a single synthetic rod as a root with the head being a range of materials from gold to enamel. This had the obvious risk of the enamel head breaking off or the root not interacting properly with the surrounding tissue. By implanting an organic tooth, it allows dentists to treat the new tooth exactly the same as the others, only it's in ideal condition.

This is particularly relevant to me because I'm planning on attending dental school and specializing as an oral and maxiofacial surgeon, meaning that I will be the doctor performing the implantation. The time frame estimated for this to enter the market is about 5 years, just before I can earn my DDS.



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