Monday, April 22, 2013

Promoting Cardiac Differentiation

In a recent article published on stem cell research and therapy, they tested mediated oxidative stress and their effect on cardiogenic gene expression in adult stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from the bone marrow of adult rats and treated to mimic long term pulsed or short term continuous levels of H202. They found that the mRNA expression of selected endothelial genes they were looking for and early cardiac markers increased. I find it interesting that early smooth muscle markers decreased as a result of the treatment. The activity of the cell surface receptor Notch 1 was also increased, along with its downstream targets Hes5 and Hey1. This up regulation of Notch 1 signaling promotes cardiogenic gene expression in adult stem/progenitor cells.  I found this article interesting and can’t help but think about the possibilities that may come from an advancement in stem cell differentiation.


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