Thursday, December 08, 2011

Memory Boosting?? Can it be done......

Well researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine say so, allowing mice to learn and remember better. The targeted molecule of this discussion is PKR (the double stranded RNA activated protein kinase); this molecule was initially assigned a role as a sensor of viral infections but its newly found connection to the brain is even more enticing. It was shown, that in mice whose brains lack PKR, have a kind of super memory. It was found the mice had an increased spatial awareness. What's even more interesting is the fact that a PKR inhibitor can mimic the results mentioned above; therefor acting as a memory-enhancing drug. If a drug like this could be tested and scrutinized by the FDA, and eventually passed, it could have a profound impact on medicine and society. It could greatly minimize the effects of Alzheimer's disease and age associated impairment of memory. However, with a drug like this I can already see the potential for abuse by individuals in an intellectually rigorous environment that would do anything for an edge, ie most college students. Therefor the FDA would have a serious challenge in limiting the ability of the drug to end up in the hands of individuals who it was not designed for. But I believe the benefits of a potential PKR inhibiting drug far out weigh the cons, and should further be pursued.


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