Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Bioelectric Signals and Organ Formation

Scientists have finally altered natural bioelectrical communication among cells to directly specify the type of new organ to be created at a particular location within a vertebrate organism. They were able to manipulate the membrane potential of embryos. The hypothesis is that for every structure in the body there is a specific membrane voltage range that drives organogenesis. Scientists changed the membrane voltage in a tadpoles tail and back cells to mimic the voltage in the actual eye cells. They were able to develop the back cells into eye cells using the same voltage gradient.

Researchers further explored to see if they could induce an abnormal organ via depolarization. They found that not only could they destroy an organ, but there was a direct correlation between the amount of voltage induction, and the degree of organ abnormality. Coincidentally, this led to the ability to control gene expression.

These findings break new ground in the field of biomedicine because they identify an entirely new control mechanism.

This could introduce an entire new way to the detection and repair of birth defects. Imagine, the doctors find out your child has a problem with a specific bone in his leg, a little manipulation in the membrane potential of that particular bone, and WHAM, fixed. We need to throw a few billion dollars in this direction.

This new field will give us much greater control of tissue and organ pattern formation. Merry Christmas everyone, and good luck on finals.


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