Saturday, March 28, 2009

Protein in Everyday Peas Help Fight High Blood Pressure and Chronic Kidney Disease

Research out of Canada has found that proteins found in everyday garden peas are surprisingly providing a natural remedy to fight high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Dr Rotimi Aluko, a food chemist at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada is the leader behind this research. CKD is a disease that affects 26 million people in the US. It is a tough disease to treat and usually leads to end stage kidney disease, forcing patients to be on dialysis or get a transplant. Peas, for a long time, have been known to be very healthy foods, high in protein, fiber, and vitamins. They are also low-fat. Researchers believe that peas can prevent or delay the onset of kidney disease. Tests were done on rats and after eight weeks the diseased rat being fed proteins from the peas had a 20% lower BP compared to the diseased rat on a normal diet. Luckily the rats showed no side-effects from the extra pea proteins in their diet. Many are speculating how the proteins help CKD but some believe it increases your production of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1). COX-1 helps improve kidney function. Although this theory is speculated, it has yet to be proven. Future plans could be a pill form of the protein extract or a powder to put in food and drinks.

Lance Wyatt - 501


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