Bionic Man Moves Artificial Arm with Brain
A man named Jesse Sulivan accidentally touched live wires while working as a utility lineman in Tennessee. He suffered severe burns, causing him to lose his arms. The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago had been developing prototype mechnical arms and decided Jesse would be the perfect candidate to test out their prototype. Since Jesse had no arms, the surgeons attached his arm nerves to healthy muscles in his chest. From there the signal was translated to the mechanical arms which were attached to the sides of his chest. During the tests, Jesse was able to think "close fist" and the artificial fists would close. He then demonstrated that he could pick up a glass and use it.
While the technology is not yet perfected, the fact that it exists is extremely fascinating. The time of the bionic man is in the near future. Technology may be insufficient today but in a few years it will be good enough to reproduce nearly identical counterparts to where it will no longer be a handicap to have a bionic limb.
Unfortunately, since the technology is revolutionary the price is well beyond an average American could afford. The price of the artificial arms were projected to be 6 million dollars upon completion. But again keep in mind, this was just a prototype, after the final design is complete then price cautious substitutes can then be considered, along with possible payment plans, financial aid, etc.
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