Friday, November 30, 2007

Zombie Roaches and Neurotransmitters

Cockraoches stung by Jewel Wasps become zombies. Not really, but the Jewel wasps inject their toxin directly into the roaches brain which makes them compliant and the wasps physically lead the roach to their den where they lay eggs into the abdomen and the young eat the cockroach from the insided out, gruesome.
Scientists in Isreal studied this phenomenon and began to experiment with possible neurontransmitters to counter the effects of the toxin. A synthesized form of the neurotransmitter octopamine reversed the effects of the "zombie-making" toxin and gave the roaches the ability to walk freely again. In cockroaches injected with the toxin by the wasps, levels of octopamine were low not just in the brain, but in other places of the body as well, suggesting that the toxin acts on the DNA responsible for coding octopamine and interferes with the production all over the body.


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