Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Blood Substitute

The new blood substitute PolyHeme, produced by Northfield Laboratories Inc., is set to greatly reduce mortality rates among trauma patients. The substitute is universally accepted by all patients regardless of blood type and is capable of being given to trauma victims in the field whereas many times blood cannot. All seems good and well except for the fact that human clinical trials will need to be done on trauma patients without their own consent.

The normal alternative for trauma patients is delivery of a saline solution. While the solution carries no extra oxygen content it does manage to keep the blood volume, and hence blood pressure, high. PolyHeme, however, is able to actually carry oxygen and can help stave off brain damage due to oxygen loss. The clinical study will include patients both in the UK and the states. Participants’ family members will be notified of the trial and can choose to take their family member off PolyHeme if they choose.

According to the article, approximately two million Americans suffer trauma-related injuries each year and is the leading cause of death among people under 45. Hopefully the new blood substitute will be able to stem this tide and we will be able to see past ethical issues on such important scientific progress.


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