Thursday, May 03, 2007

Your Walking Pace reveals secrets about your Health

While it is healthy to walk quickly, studies have shown that the faster a person’s gait the less healthy they are. The fact that the person has a fast gait is not the reason that he or she is unhealthy; however, the walking speed speaks volumes about a person’s lifestyle. In general, those people who walk quickly have a much faster paced life. The speed that the average person walks has increased 10% worldwide since the 1990s. This increase suggests that people are living much faster paced lives than in the past, limiting time for important health factors such as eating and relaxing. People who live a fast paced life eat quickly, speak quickly, they do not exercise as often as they should, nor do they have time to see family and friends as much as they should. In addition, people who live fast-paced lives generally wear watches, constantly check the time, and become impatient more quickly. So, though walking quickly is not a death sentence, if you are a fast-paced person, be sure to slow it down sometimes and leave some room for the other important aspects in life.


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