Monday, April 30, 2007

This article is about a Virginia state delegate who is trying to pass a bill that would require insurance companies to cover gastric bypass surgery. I found this interesting after the discussion we had in class about the ethical issues at hand. John O'Bannon, a republican from Richmond Virginia, wants require all insurance companies to cover gastric bypass if the customer is truly in need of the surgery. The bill was shot down in a 14-7 vote by House of Commerce and Labor Committee. O'Bannon argues that it would save insurance companies money in the long run. He quoted a study from October 2004 where the surgery “led to improvement or complete resolution of conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obstructive sleep apnea in a substantial majority of morbidly obese patients." One insurance company said that it would cost each insured person 6 more dollars a month to cover the cost. They fear that these higher premiums. O'Bannon made it clear that he plans to bring the bill back next year and hopes to convince the insurance companies that it really is in their best interest.



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