Fat-fighting baby milk
Studies have shown that compared to breast-fed babies, those that are formula fed are at an increased risk for obesity later in life. One cause for this may be that formula lacks the hormon leptin, which is present in breast milk. Circulating leptin gives the brain a reading of glycogen levels, and regulates appetite and metabolism. Even though leptin is produced all throughout life, a study conducted in rats showded that the offspring of those given extra amount of this hormone while pregnant, were much less likely to be obese. Even when fed high fat diets, the rats given leptin stayed slim, while those not given leptin became obese and developed diabetes. Some researchers are hopeful that after more tests, this hormone can be added to formula and reduce the risk of obesity. However, others are doubtful, pointing out that most people have plenty of leptin and are still over weight, and obese people actually tend to have higher levels of leptin.
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