Monday, April 23, 2007

Reduced Asthma a Result of Sunlight Exposure

A group of researchers at Perth's Telethon Institure for Child Health Research conducted a study using mice which concluded that exposure to ultraviolet light for 15 to 30 minutes before onset of allergen exposure significantly reduces asthmatic symptoms in the mice as well as finding that the ultraviolet light exposure caused a production of a certain cell type that, when transferred to the mice before allergen exposure, can prevent some symptoms relating to asthma.

While knowing that too much UV light exposure is dangerous, with increasing risk for skin cancer, the researchers are looking to discover exactly what elements of the UV light are beneficial. If they are able to find these certain elements and separate them from the more harmful elements of the UV light, an important new prevention and treatment for asthma and asthma-like symptoms may be present. Although much more research must be conducted in order to get closer to a treatment, this is a very exciting discovery for asthma-sufferers.


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