Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Potential Insomnia Aid Studied

As we all know insomniacs have a hard time trying to get some shut eye. Well, a group of researchers from Harvard have claimed to have found a way to regulate sleep in insomniacs. A blood peptide called Orexin plays an important role in maintaining wakefulness in people. By blocking the receptors to which orexin binds, researchers hope cause a sleepy effect in insomniac patients. However, there is a drawback to this solution. The scientists fear that by blocking Orexin receptors in the brain may lead to a situation similar to narcolepsy.


I found this article very interesting because this may as well be the new age sleeping pills that are more specific to cause. This drug may help those who cannot tolerate the current on market sleeping pills. However, the quality of sleep would be questionable since the study was done in a short period of time.


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