Saturday, March 30, 2013

Another step to the Bionic Man: Artificial Bone Marrow

This article shows the reliable creation of artificial human bone marrow. While not for direct transplant or donor purposes,  this bone marrow is said to be used in testing new drugs for chemotherapy,  as well as researching the effect of viruses and other diseases such as H1N1 and their effect on bone marrow, as well as blood production. This will begin to allow a greater effect of testing how chemotherapeutic drugs may or may not suppress our immune system, in order to find better drugs to fight cancer.  I'm excited for artificial bone marrow not only for the aforementioned reasons, but also for the possibilities.

This is just another example of how technology and research is improving medicine in a ridiculous time scale. From artificial bone marrow, we could start making not only bone marrow suitable to transplant (and remove the painful donor and biopsies currently in practice), but start a artificial blood service. Another step towards a 'bionic' man, and so many opportunities to improve cancer treatment,  or even eliminate leukemia or hemophilia are around the corner.


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