Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stem cells to Eggs

So apparently there's stem cells in ovaries. Something new to learn everyday! Anyways, researchers in Massachusetts gathered these stem cells in an attempt to create human egg. The stem cells were placed in a human ovary then transferred to be transplanted under mice skin and then egg cells were created. Despite being created it doesn't necessarily mean these are the the top notch eggs. This is just the beginning of the process and if research continues then over time when the procedure has been perfected then these eggs would be able to fully develop one day.
Research began after it was found that there were egg-producing stem cells in mice. Rather than getting eggs from donors this procedure would be able to provide cells for people undergoing in vitro fertilization. Right now this is all they can hope for in the future but with the rate of how technology develops this may happen sooner than you think.


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