Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Scientists use brain imaging to reveal the movies in our mind

This is seriously the coolest article I've ever read. Imagine if we could hook our brains up to a machine and watch on a screen what we are imagining in our heads. I've always thought about this as a child and had no idea that it was possible.

What if we could hook are brains up before we go to bed and record our dreams so we can watch them later? Researchers at UC Berkeley are bringing this idea one step closer to reality. Using MRIs and computational models, the researchers are able to reconstruct peoples visual experiences. As of yet, this only works on movie people have already viewed.

Just imagine the implications of such a reality as dream watching. Doctors would finally be able to understand what is going on in coma patients minds. Stroke patients and neurodegenerative patients who can not communicate verbally could possibly be able to communicate with this device.

It's articles like this that keep me motivated to achieve a degree in biomedical engineering.


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