Saturday, April 30, 2011

Researchers Discover Mechanism That Could Convert Certain Cells Into Insulin-Making Cells

Typically, people develop diabetes because they lack sufficient numbers of pancreatic beta cells to produce the insulin necessary to regulate their blood sugar levels. However, with recent findings from UCLA, there may be hope for those stricken with this chronic disease. The current treatment for diabetics consists primarily of insulin treatment, to aid in the symptoms. However, with the research being conducted, there may be a more direct way to treat the disease. Using a method called methylation, DNA can be altered so that genes are turned "on" or "off" or even somewhere in between.
"Our work shows that beta cells and related endocrine cells can easily be converted into each other," states study co-author Anil Bhushan.
With progression of this research, there might one day be a way to permanently better the condition of or even cure people with diabetes.

I found this article interesting because Diabetes is not only rising rapidly in occurrence, but also because we have been studying the GI and renal systems in the past weeks. The potential to cure a disease as notorious as this would be a medical miracle.


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