Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nanodrug Fights Breast Cancer From Inside Without Harming Healthy Tissue

Researchers are working on a tumor fighting drug that consists of various cancer-fighting drugs attached to a nano-size carrier. The drug works by having the drugs attack the cancer cells from the inside rather than the outside like most cancer-fighting drugs in use today. The drugs are delivered to the inside of the tumor cells where they can more effectively attack the cell. In addition, certain antibodies can be added to the carrier in order to attach the drugs to specific proteins in the tumor cells. A major benefit to a method like this is that surrounding healthy cells are minimally affected. A drug like this could help to alleviate some of the negative side effects associated with current cancer treatments and could greatly increase a cancer patients quality of life. Currently, the drug is being designed to target a specific, aggressive type of breast cancer but scientists say that a similar method would also work against malignant brain tumors. I found this article interesting because I'm very interested in cancer research and I have seen how rough cancer treatment can be on a person's body.


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