Thursday, December 09, 2010

Pet Prosthetics: Bionic Devices Let Injured Animals Roam Again

“Euthanasia had been deemed the only humane option,” for many beloved pets who had suffered trauma to multiple limbs. However, breakthroughs in animal orthotics and prosthetics have opened doors to promising new futures for animals as well as humans. Recent developments that have proven effective for animals are now being considered for adaptation in human circumstances. For example, after a bulldog received a hip replacement which allowed tendons and musculature to grow into the replacement device, doctors are taking notice in hopes of incorporating similar ideas into their human patient cases. Also a cat with new artificial hind legs has now been deemed the first creature to have bone- and skin-integrated implants placed in moving bone. Companies like OrthoPets are taking developments and treatments from the human patient world and adjusting them to accommodate for animals. OrthoPets develops and provides animal braces and prosthetics. OrthoPets’ work doesn’t stop with dogs and cats; they have fitted a variety of patients such as dolphins, sea turtles and bald eagles with custom-made prosthetics which suffice each animals need to carryout the type of life that would have, with out a doubt, been unattainable otherwise.


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