Monday, May 03, 2010

Vegetables may keep brains young

Vegetables may keep brains young

Dr. Mom always tell us to eat more veggies while we were kids.
We all know that veggies contain a lot of vitamin long with other nutrients.
Suprisingly, having a daily habit of eating vegetables can help people to become younger and slow down the mental decline.
Several tests were performed on some elders, and showed that the ones who ate more than two servings of vegetables daily appeared about five years younger at the end of the six-year study than those who ate few or no vegetables. Scientists have not yet found the exact origin of such behavior, but they suspect the healthy oil used for the vegetables may have some impact on such behavior.
Incredible as it sounds, various of test were performed on a group of people. The test result showed that 40% less of mental decline were found on the people with consumption of at least two vegetable servings a day. These results convinced me to have a healthier diet, so I guess we should eat less fast food and eat more veggies.

Sai Yan Cheng


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