Monday, November 30, 2009

New Stem Cell Technology Provides Rapid Healing From Complicated Bone Fractures

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types. Recently, the use of MSCs, has shown success in biological therapy. This would open up a large number of possibilities including treatment of complicated fractures and well as other skeletal disorders. Usually isolation of MSCs requires long periods of time in order to grow within designated incubators. This method is not only costly, but also has a high possibility of damaging the quality of the cells.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers have developed a new technology, immune-isolation, which is an alternative method that allows immediate use of stem cells. The MSCs are sorted from other cells within a bone marrow sample using a specific antibody. Now these stem cells are available for immediate use in order to form new bone tissue saving both time and money.

This new technology has been proven successful in treated complicated fractures is seven patients at the Hadassah Universiy Hospital in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem.

I found this article interesting because the field of stem cell research is rapidly growing, and it is as if each new step forward opens up enormous possibilities. This new-found technology is a small example of the medical technologies researchers are making possible through stem cell research.

Erica Williams
VTPP 434-502



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