New 3-D Cell Culture Technique
Cell cultures have been grown in 2-D for some time. There are many differences in the behavior of cells that are cultured in 2-D and 3-D. The problem with 2-D cultures is that cells stick to the bottom of the petri dish and spread out as they multiply. In the body cells are suspended in fluids and the cells navigate through the fluid. So growing cells in a 3-D culture allows the cells to grow and behave more like cells in the body. Another difference is that cells cultured in 3-D grow faster. This will enable scientists to better understand how the body behaves and how drugs will help fight against diseases.
Researchers from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Rice University have found a way to grow 3-D cell cultures that imitate the natural environment that they grow in, the human body. First the cells are mixed with a gel that has magnetic nanoparticles. The magnetic nanoparticles then attach to the cells. The magnets help the cells grow because the cells stay in contact, like they are in the human body. Then the excess gel that is not attached to the cells is removed. A magnet is then put above the cells which cause the cells to levitate. This allows for a 3-D cell growth environment. After twelve hours, the cells start growing.
There are many advantages to using this Bio-Assembler. The set up times are faster, the cell growth is faster, less likelihood of sample contamination, and no use of animal components. Also, when cells are gown in a 3-D environment they more precisely react to drugs and tests. They used the Bio-Assembler to study the rate that cancer cells invade healthy cells. This will allow scientists to invent treatments that destroy the cancer cells quicker. Scientists can also use the Bio-Assembler for stem cell research. This topic interested me because I find tissue engineering very interesting.
Researchers from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Rice University have found a way to grow 3-D cell cultures that imitate the natural environment that they grow in, the human body. First the cells are mixed with a gel that has magnetic nanoparticles. The magnetic nanoparticles then attach to the cells. The magnets help the cells grow because the cells stay in contact, like they are in the human body. Then the excess gel that is not attached to the cells is removed. A magnet is then put above the cells which cause the cells to levitate. This allows for a 3-D cell growth environment. After twelve hours, the cells start growing.
Cells cultured in 3-D with the Bio-Assembler.
There are many advantages to using this Bio-Assembler. The set up times are faster, the cell growth is faster, less likelihood of sample contamination, and no use of animal components. Also, when cells are gown in a 3-D environment they more precisely react to drugs and tests. They used the Bio-Assembler to study the rate that cancer cells invade healthy cells. This will allow scientists to invent treatments that destroy the cancer cells quicker. Scientists can also use the Bio-Assembler for stem cell research. This topic interested me because I find tissue engineering very interesting.
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