Monday, September 28, 2009

Erditux Helps Treat Advanced Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the leading killer among the different types of cancer. It takes the lives of 160,000 Americans each year. 80% of theses people die from a type of lung cancer called non-small-cell lung cancer. 4 out of 10 people diagnosed with non-small-cell lung cancer are already at an advanced stage where the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Only 2% of these patients live longer than five years past their diagnosis.

Erditux, when combined with chemotherapy, increases the chances of life for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Erditux is a monoclonal antibody that blocks the effects of a protein called epidermal growth factor that causes tumor growth. Erditux stunts the growth of the tumors by blocking this protein. Researchers found that patients who took Erditux in addition to their regular chemotherapy lived an average of five weeks longer and were 10% more likely to be alive and cancer free after three years then those that were not given the drug. In addition, the tumors of the patients who received Erditux were 48% more likely to shrink.

In class we have discussed different ways that pharmacists can design drugs to interfere with biological processes. Erditux interferes with the growth of non-small-cell tumors by blocking the protein epidermal growth factor. I took interest to this article because my granddad passed away from non-small-cell lung cancer. Through out his battle with cancer he participated in a variety of experimental procedures. Any promising new treatment for this disease excites me because I want the best care possible for every other family with a member who has non-small-cell lung cancer.


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