Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Autoantibodies" May Be Created In Response To Bacterial DNA

This article discusses the fact that autoimmune diseases in some cases have been caused by bacteria. We originally thought that the diseases were caused by antibodies created by the immune system that actually attack the body, but instead we now know that is not always the case. It can also be caused by bacteria that lead to genetic mutations. While it was believed that we know every bacteria capable of causing these types of diseases, we have come to find that around 90% of the cells in the body are of bacterial origin. Many of these have been known to cause autoimmune deficiencies. We do not know the names of many of these bacteria. This was according to a study done by California non-profit Autoimmunity Research Foundation (ARF). In order to validate the studies they are conducting another experiment of more than 500 autoimmune patients and have reported at the 6th International Congress on Autoimmunity that antibacterial therapies targeted at these hidden microbes are capable of reversing autoimmune disease processes. This article caught my attention because there is still a lot we don’t know and not all of what we know will hold true. We saw that as not every autoimmune disease is caused by the immune systems antibodies and that maybe the antibodies aren’t generated against the body but against the bacteria that are found in a lot of our cells.



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