Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Virus Detection on the Go

An Australian company has revolutionized the way the medical world will now measure the concentration of viruses in a sample. The company Australo has engineered an instrument that surpasses all competitor’s devices without doubt. Previous models equaled washing machines in size, took days to complete a measurement, and cost about $50,00. The new instrument, known as qViro, is the size of a toaster, portable, calculates the virus concentration in minutes, costs 1/5 the price, and is powered by a computer’s USB port. qViro calculates the viral concentration of single biological molecules by pulling the molecule through a small adjustable hole (nanopore). The technology driving the virus detection is scanning ion occlusion spectroscopy. Using SIOS with fixed apertures to detect particles has been used since the 1950’s, except only at the micro-scale. Bioengineers at Australo have “down-sized” the technology to the nanopore level and allowed for adjustable aperature. The device utilizes nanoparticles coated with antibodies, oligonucleotides, and peptide nucleic acids to detect the presence of target molecules or DNA structure. A reaction with the target molecule causes a change in properties of the nanoparticle which are then quickly and accurately detected by the SIOS instrument. The device is especially unique because if its ability to adjust its aperture, allowing for the detection of a wide range of virus, such as HIV and the flu virus. Rapid calculation of virus concentration in a sample will allow efficient analysis of the effect of anti-viral drugs on specific viruses, proper determination of dosage, and drug regime. These qualities will prove beneficial in the treatment of HIV due the complex and toxic drugs used in treatment. Airborne pollutants toxic to the lungs are among many other dangerous molecules qViro can use its innovative biotechnology to detect.


Blogger Dose Pharmacy said...

Thank you for providing such a valuable information and thanks for sharing this matter.

7:23 PM  

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