Sunday, March 02, 2008

Snoring 'linked to heart disease'

A new study has been suggesting that there is a strong link between loud snoring and both heard disease and strokes. The scientists in Hungary that led the study concluded that people who snore heavily while sleeping are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke compared to the rest of the population. Snoring has been known to be common in people who are overweight but it is also estimated that about 40% of adult males and 24% of adult females are habitual snorers. Of the 12,000 people who were interviewed in the convenience of their homes for this study, it was found that compared to the rest of the population, loud snorers had a 34% increased risk of having a heart attack, and a 67% greater chance of suffering a stroke. The researchers suggested that a way to help identify people at risk from these diseases is to listen for loud snoring with breathing pauses. The study also informs us that people who snore quietly had no increase in their risk of cardiovascular illness. And as for good news, it was found that for men, it seems that their snores decline once they get past the age of 70 years.


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