Monday, March 31, 2008

Improved Colonoscopies

Rather than the traditional means of performing a colonoscopy, researchers are working on a tiny self propelled robot that will climb its way through the colon with far less discomfort than the traditional method. The robot will climb the clippery insides of the colon wall using muco-adhesives to give them traction. The sticky muco-adhesives are non-toxic and are flushed out of the colon within a number of hours after the colonoscopy. Reasearchers have had success so far with pig colons and are finding the pattern of muco-adhesive that is most effective. This little robot will propel the endoscope which is used to identify cancerous polyps. This new method may lead to less colonoscopies being called off due to the discomfort, thus leading to better diagnoses.,2933,343011,00.html


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