Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Scientist Make Clone Embryos from Skin Cells

California scientist, Dr. Samuel Wood, claim to have produced embryos that are clones of two men. The researchers took skin cells from Wood and another volunteer and produced three embryos, scientifically proven to have DNA matching that of the men. The cloning approach involves inserting DNA from a person into an egg, and then growing the egg into an embryo for about five days before extracting the stem cells. The embryo is a sphere of about of about 150 cells.

Their research is a potential step toward developing scientifically valuable stem cells.
The stem cells from cloned embryos provide a valuable tool for studying diseases, screening drugs and, perhaps someday, creating transplant material.

There are however objections to the research. The cloning include concerns about health risks and exploitation of women to provide eggs. Also, the simplicity of the cloning process comes with it's negative effects. There is a theoretical risk of cancer for the recipients of tissue from these cells.


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