Thursday, March 01, 2007

Vitamins Increase Death Risk

The article talked about the latest research done by Danish researchers about common antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, or beta carotene. They compared groups of people taking the vitamins to similar people taking a placebo or taking nothing. From their results of more than 60 trials, they found a significant increase in the risk of death in people taking the vitamins. Vitamin A caused a death increase by 16 percent, vitamin E by 4 percent, and beta carotene by 7 percent. It is also known that over a long duration, these supplements can cause toxicity because of the accumulations of fat soluble vitamins in the liver. Antioxidants can clear up the free radicals, but researchers suggested that removing free radicals can interfere with cell processed like apoptosis or phagocytosis.

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