Saturday, January 27, 2007

Functional Neurosurgery Could Help Cure Addictions

Addiction has been a problem in society for centuries. Alcohol, smoking, and other addictions have negatively affected families, individuals and communities and proposed ways to beat these addictions are many. A new discovery by US scientists suggests that the insula is the part of the brain that controls addiction and that damage to this area could quickly and successfully end addiction. Smokers who suffer damage to the insula in strokes have easily and quickly quit smoking with few (if any) cravings. Surgeons are now considering this an option to help smokers kick the habit. "Functional neurosurgery," or purposefully damaging an area of the brain, has been used to treat Parkinson's and depression and the field obviously has undiscovered potential in other areas. A surgical remedy for smoking seems quick and easy, considering most patients had no problem quitting, but is a dangerous and major surgery really the best solution to beat an addiction?


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