Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Stem Cell Research

The article talks about a new technique of stem cells that seems to be a small step towards social acceptance of stem cell research.
The new technique, which was first used in mice, takes only one cell from the embryo, allowing them "to [be] coaxed into spawning an embryonic stem cell line." And, scary as it is, the single cell could theoretically become a whole nother organism.
The downside is that it isn't as effective as using the embryo as a whole. The article also goes into the politics of both parties concerning stem cell research.
The stem cells that are used come from embryos that are created using preimplantation genetic diagnosis (used to avoid lethal or debilitating birth defects), which will cause some interesting controversy since it is coming from a possible future person.
It's interesting, mainly because it shows that science is conforming to current ethical and politcal standards, yet it's still able to make progress despite it.


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