Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Eating Greens is a Special Treat.


Since I was about 12 my mother has been on a health food kick, she's brought home books, made internet searches, and the people at the health food store know her name. She's just really into it. Well I got curious, and read one of her books. It went on and on about blue green algae, and it listed a variety of ailments that this "super food" would help with. It said it was an immune system booster, it'd give you energy, and it'd help with your digestive system. I decided they might know what they were saying so I bought some, AND I got curious about it. I wanted to see if there were any claims in the scientific world about blue green algae, particularly an algae named Spirulina, so I googled it. I was VERY surprised at what I found. People all over the world are into Spirulina, have been for generations.
The most scientific findings were about HIV and cancer. They said that spirulina has a very important function in aiding the immune system. Apparently cancer cells are already in our body (I didn't know that), and it's our immune system that makes sure they're removed before they take over and wreak havoc. What spirulina does is make the immunity of cells stronger, and that helps sweep away the cancer cells.
With a viral infection, a virus doesn't replicate by itself, it takes a healthy cell and uses it's replication system, what spirulina does is attach itself to the cell membrane, stopping the virus from penetrating the membrane to infect the cell. SO the virus is stuck, can't replicate, and is eventually eliminated from the body. Cool huh.
Russia already approved it as a "medicine food" for treating radiation sickness. Children suffering from radiation poisoning were given 5 grams of spirulina a day and within 6 weeks had made dramatic recoveries, were as children not give spirulina remained ill.
It also contains a polypeptide called Phycocyanin, which is shown to stimulate stem cells found in bone marrow. That same polypeptide is said to emulate a hormone produced by the kidneys that regulates the production of red blood cells, and sometimes white blood cells.
It's also the only green food with GLA essential fatty acid, which stimulates growth in some animals, makes skin and hair shiny, soft and more durable, and is an anti-inflammatory.
There are ongoing studies world wide trying to unlock spirulina's full potential with AIDS and other nasty viruses. But still, this stuff is exceedingly, incredibly good for you.
Thanks Mom.


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