Thursday, March 23, 2006

More on Perfusion..

After looking up some history on perfusion and cold storage of organs, I found out that we have made some quite amazing advances in storing organs until transplant. It was amazing to me how primitive some of the techniques were until recent years.

Back in 1967, Dr. Folkert O. Belzer introduced a viable method of preserving kidney grafts using hypothermic pulsatile perfusion. This early method of preservation used a machine to continually perfuse plasma through the organ. The use of plasma as a perfusate created a delay in the rising pressure of the kidneys for up to 10 hours and allowed some time between transplantation. While this method of machine perfusion for preservation had some success, preservation time was very limited and consistent viability was never obtained.

Throughout the years, many other techniques and machines have been invented, most notably a perfusion machine that was mounted in a truck and could travel around to pick up the organs. It was used throughout the 1970s and into the early 1980s. Keep in mind this machine took two people to operate was extremely large and sophisticated.

Now, fast forward to today, where I happened to come across the first ever disposable organ perfusion system, and even more impressive was the fact that it was the size of a small ice chest.

Below are the specs from the website:
The Airdrive® is the first ever disposable organ perfusion system. It is light (8kg), compact and low cost. It oxygenates, preserves and safeguards donor organs over an extended period of time. It is suitable for pulsatile perfusion of kidneys and continuous portal and pulsatile arterial perfusion of liver grafts.
In the Airdrive®, air pressure:
1. Drives the perfusion pump
2. Oxygenates the perfusion solution
3. Maintains sterility by over-pressure.Pre-clinical tests with the Airdrive® and Polysol® show a vast improvement in preservation quality, compared to other available methods.

Just thought you guys might enjoy this.....

For more on the device....check out the following link:§ion=products&item=airdrive



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